Thanks for tuning in. If you have ideas/theories about why YouTube changed it's payment structure let me know. I don't have all the answers but I got the questions!
Hey thanks for watching. This video covers some options for earning money with your car. If you have suggestions please share!
Happy Holidays Y'all! De'Von and Sinclair co-founders of True Health 4ever traveled to Montego Bay, Jamaica to celebrate their anniversary and experience the culture of the island. You should definitely visit Jamaica, amazing food, great people, and a LOT of Rum. Follow us on Twitter @th4_official
Our overall health is a result of the small daily choices we make everyday.The Break Up With Baecon is micro film to promote the choice of not eating bacon specifically but pork in general. Over time this and other small changes in our diets can improve health and quality of…
Greetings Community! Experience De'Von's recent trip to Sacramento and Davis California as he reviews the importance of networking. "Get to know people, you never know who you can meet." Follow us on twitter @th4_official True Health 4ever promotes a healthy lifestyle, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship through action. We are currently…
Check out De'Von's trip to Houston, Texas about a month after Hurricane Harvey. "The people of Houston are warm and welcoming. The food in Houston was FIRE!" We recommend you visit. Music - Canon t5i -
The Village Nation has created environments that engage and inspire African American youth and encourage them to embrace their natural intelligence and leadership capabilities for 15 years. This year’s annual summer camp in collaboration with UCLA’s Uni camp and UC Riverside's Outreach Staff was amazing! Violin Cover of "When I'm…
The Village Nation has created environments that engage and inspire African American youth and encourage them to embrace their natural intelligence and leadership capabilities for 15 years. This year’s annual summer camp in collaboration with UCLA’s Uni camp was amazing. This is a video clip from the engaging critical hip…
Top 5 Black Love Movies Here are our Top 5 picks for movies that display Black Love. Each movie expresses Black Love in a different way. If you have some movies we missed please share! #Blacklove #movienight #lovejones Check out our blog Love and Basketball - Hitch -…
UC Davis- PBS Cr1bs Ep 1+1 He's Classy Episode 2 of the UC Davis Phi Beta Sigma Cribs series. Follow the chapter @Ucdsigmas. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity is a historically Black Greek Organization committed to the service and advanced of its community.
UC Davis - PBS Cribs Ep.1 4L Presidente: Meet the President of the UC Davis Phi Beta Sigma Chapter. You can follow the Sigmas on instragram @ucdsigmas. #phibetasigma #blackgreeks #ucdavissigmas