What happens when you and your partner disagree on finances? Should you pay off credit cards first or make long-term investments? Money can be a huge stressor in marriage. We don't always see eye to eye on our finances but …
What happens when you and your partner disagree? Arguments and disagreements are a natural part of the marriage but we aren’t always taught or shown how to come to a healthy agreement. We only know the Art of War and …
How do you support your spouse in business? Meet Pom Photo the Black Owned Wedding Photography and Cinema Company that will make your special day look like a movie. Fun Fact this is the amazing couple that did our wedding …
What is a Queen Mother and how do we see their responsibilities play out in modern-day Gender roles in America for Black Women.In this clip we will go review the role of a Queen Mother in Ghana and how it …
Money problems are the #2 reason for divorce. From not having enough money to arguments over how it should be spent. How does your household deal with finances? This is a clip from Ep. 133, listen to the full episode …
What does conflict resolution look like in your marriage and how do you come to an agreement? Meet Pom Photo the Black Owned Wedding Photography and Cinema Company that will make your special day look like a movie. Fun Fact …
You need to make sure you are not losing your identity in a relationship. This includes your marriage, friendships, and even family relationships. Who are you? Outside of your marriage who are you and what do you love to do. …
What does it feel and look like to be in the majority? De'Von Truvel recently returned from his first trip to Africa, Ghana to be specific, and the first thing he notcied was the dominance of the African/Black Population. Thi...
Looking to travel but have a limited budget? Exposure to different cultures and experiences can be life changing. In this flight, Sinclair goes through her tips on finding affordable flights for trips. On this full episode...
One of the top reasons for divorce is lack of communication and lack of intimacy in the marriage. Listen to this short clip and listen to the full ep. 133 to find out What the top 5 reasons couples are …
Interested in starting a business with your spouse? Meet Pom Photo the Black Owned Wedding Photography and Cinema Company that will make your special day look like a movie. Fun Fact this is the amazing couple that did our wed...
Thinking about going to Africa and experiencing a naming ceremony? De'Von Truvel recently returned from his first trip to Africa, Ghana to be specific, and went through his naming ceremony. In this clip you will be introduce...
Poor Communication and conflict resolution is the top 3 reason for divorce in America. How do you and your partner come to a compromise when you disagree? Listen to the full Ep. 133 to find out what the top 5 …
Are you looking to buy your first property? Before you buy a house there is some prework that needs to be done and thought through. This clip gets into some of that prework and mindset. In this Full episode we …
Looking to travel but have a limited budget? Exposure to different cultures and experiences can be life-changing. In this clip, we dive into choosing between Airbnb and hotels while on vacation. In this full episode, we brea...
What are the top 5 reasons couples are getting Divorced? Cheating and Money are two major factors but they are not the only reasons married couples are getting divorced. In order to build a strong marriage you have to know …
Looking to travel but have a limited budget? Exposure to different cultures and experiences can be life changing. In this clip we talk about the importance of creating your priorities and motivation for traveling. On this ...
If you are just starting off in entrepreneurship you may be wondering how to build trust with your customers. Your clients need to view you as an authority or expert in your lane. But how do you do that? The …
Are you looking to buy your first property? It's important to set your priorities and must-haves when looking for your real estate investment. In this Full episode we will go over the 9 steps, nobody said it would be easy, …
De'Von recently returned from his first trip to Africa, Ghana to be specific. This was a part of the inaugural All African Diaspora Education Summit (ADES). Here are 5 reasons why you need to visit Africa. 1. Plug into the …
Looking to travel but have a limited budget? Exposure to different cultures and experiences can be life changing. On this episode we break down some tips and tricks we use when traveling. Join Sinclair Theee Health Nerd and ...
Are you looking to buy your first property? Here is a clip going through our favorite part of Real Estate investing and that's building passive equity. In this Full episode we will go over the 9 steps, nobody said it …
Some on Instagram had the nerve to steal De'Von Truvel's Identity. They used the name and even copied all the pictures and videos. Your identity is your brand, be intentional about what you are building and how you use your …
Are you looking to buy your first property? In this episode we will go over the 9 steps, nobody said it would be easy, to buy your first property. Disclaimer: We are not real estate professionals. Be Sure to consult …